FIVE-Star Rated Globally For

Quality Lead Generation and Marketing for Any Type of Business

Book more appointments seamlessly and increase conversions with our hands-free lead generation and booking platform PLUS our digital marketing expertise.



FIVE-Star Rated Globally For

Quality Lead Generation and Marketing for Any Type of Business

Book more appointments seamlessly and increase conversions

with our hands-free lead generation and booking platform

PLUS digital marketing expertise.



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Strategise for Exponential Growth

Access the secrets of successful digital marketing strategies. Stop wasting your resources and grow your business exponentially with just a click.

Retain and Delight Your Clients

Elevate your marketing and sales with our all-in-one platform. Save time and money, streamline your processes, and focus on what matters most: your customers.

Scale Your Business to New Heights

Our team of experts will automate your marketing process and maximise conversions. If you don't have a marketing system in place yet, we'll build one for you.

Strategise for

Exponential Growth

Access the secrets of successful digital marketing strategies. Stop wasting your resources and grow your business exponentially with just a click.

Retain and Delight

Your Clients

Elevate your marketing and sales with our all-in-one platform. Save time and money, streamline your processes, and focus on what matters most: your customers.

Scale Your Business

to New Heights

Our team of experts will automate your marketing process and maximise conversions. If you don't have a marketing system in place yet, we'll build one for you.

The Best of Both Worlds: AI + HUMAN Lead Generation

"Unlock limitless potential with our unique fusion of AI precision and human expertise in lead generation. It's the winning combination that drives results and ensures your business stays ahead."

The Best of Both Worlds:

Artificial Intelligence + HUMAN Lead Generation

"Unlock limitless potential with our unique fusion of AI precision and human expertise in lead generation. It's the winning combination that drives results and ensures your business stays ahead."

Manage Leads All

in One Place

Elevate your lead management with our all-in-one platform. Access, organize, and nurture your leads seamlessly in a single central hub. No more juggling between tools, just streamlined, efficient lead management at your fingertips. WE SET YOUR FULL SYSTEM UP FOR FREE ON YOUR DEMO!

Manage Leads All in One Place

Elevate your lead management with our all-in-one platform. Access, organise, and nurture your leads seamlessly in a single central hub. No more juggling between tools, just streamlined, efficient lead management at your fingertips. WE SET YOUR FULL SYSTEM UP FOR FREE ON YOUR DEMO!

Engage with Customers

and Prospects 24/7

Experience Intelligent Sales Activation and Customer Engagement through AGENT, I Need Leads' revolutionary chatbot, designed to revolutionise the way you do business. Powered by AI, AGENT is intelligent, human-like, and constantly learning. It is your trusted partner for enhancing customer interactions, generating leads, and boosting business success.

Engage with Customers

and Prospects 24/7

Experience Intelligent Sales Activation and Customer Engagement through AGENT, I Need Leads' revolutionary chatbot, designed to revolutionise the way you do business. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, AGENT is intelligent, human-like, and constantly learning. It is your trusted partner for enhancing customer interactions, generating leads, and boosting business success.

Build Without Burnout

Tailored digital marketing solutions for various sectors, from home improvement to real estate and beyond. Our proven platforms like our AI landing pages with funnel strategies, Facebook ads, Google ads, and TikTok ads empower your business to thrive, retain customers, and scale successfully.

Build Without


Tailored digital marketing solutions for various sectors, from home improvement to real estate and beyond. Our proven platforms like our Artificial Intelligence landing pages with funnel strategies, Facebook ads, Google ads, and TikTok ads empower your business to thrive, retain customers, and scale successfully.

Build Without Burnout

Tailored digital marketing solutions for various sectors, from home improvement to real estate and beyond. Our proven platforms like our AI landing pages with funnel strategies, Facebook ads, Google ads, and TikTok ads empower your business to thrive, retain customers, and scale successfully.

Capture, Nurture and Close Leads Easily & Efficiently

"Effortlessly capture, nurture, and convert leads with our user-friendly tools. No more complex procedures or overwhelming jargon, just a simple and efficient way to turn leads into clients."

Capture, Nurture and Close Leads Easily & Efficiently

"Effortlessly capture, nurture, and convert leads with our user-friendly tools. No more complex procedures or overwhelming jargon, just a simple and efficient way to turn leads into clients."

Lead Management

With our all-in-one platform, lead management becomes a breeze. Easily acquire, organise, and nurture potential customers to boost conversion rates and grow your business effortlessly.

Automated Online Reviews

Automate the process of collecting online reviews to enhance your online reputation effortlessly. Showcasing positive feedback across various platforms elevates your credibility and attracts more customers

Booking Confirmations

Our automation takes care of booking confirmations for you. Say goodbye to no-shows and welcome a seamless experience for your clients, guaranteeing you a fully booked schedule.

Automated Follow Up

Our platform automates follow-ups, allowing you to nurture customer relationships effortlessly. This results in repeat business and improved customer satisfaction, all achieved with minimal effort on your part.

Efficient Communication

Our communication tools streamline interactions with leads and clients, saving you time and money. Engage your audience effectively with minimal resources and make the most of every conversation.

Multi-Platform Marketing

We simplify marketing across multiple platforms. From Google Ads to Facebook Ads, our platform optimises your marketing efforts, ensuring you reach a broader audience and maximise your results.

Lead Management

With our all-in-one platform, lead management becomes a breeze. Easily acquire, organise, and nurture potential customers to boost conversion rates and grow your business effortlessly.

Automated Online Reviews

Automate the process of collecting online reviews to enhance your online reputation effortlessly. Showcasing positive feedback across various platforms elevates your credibility and attracts more customers

Booking Confirmations

Our automation takes care of booking confirmations for you. Say goodbye to no-shows and welcome a seamless experience for your clients, guaranteeing you a fully booked schedule.

Automated Follow Up

Our platform automates follow-ups, allowing you to nurture customer relationships effortlessly. This results in repeat business and improved customer satisfaction, all achieved with minimal effort on your part.

Efficient Communication

Our communication tools streamline interactions with leads and clients, saving you time and money. Engage your audience effectively with minimal resources and make the most of every conversation.

Multi-Platform Marketing

We simplify marketing across multiple platforms. From Google Ads to Facebook Ads, our platform optimises your marketing efforts, ensuring you reach a broader audience and maximise your results.


Effortless integration with your favourite tools and platforms (such as Google, Zapier, and Facebook Messenger), enhancing your workflow and productivity.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy




Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text




Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text




Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

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How I Need Leads LTD helped Eco Warm Grants grow their ECO4 business with a smart and scalable digital marketing strategy and an AI chat bot

How I Need Leads LTD helped Eco Warm Grants grow their ECO4 business with a smart and scalable digital marketing strategy and an AI chat bot

January 22, 20248 min read

How I Need Leads LTD helped Eco Warm Grants grow their ECO4 business with a smart and scalable digital marketing strategy and an AI chat bot

Eco Warm Grants is a UK-based company that helps homeowners and landlords access funding from the ECO4 scheme, which provides grants for energy-efficient upgrades to homes. The company offers a range of services, such as installing new boilers, loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and more.

Eco Warm Grants wanted to grow their online presence and visibility, and generate more leads and enquiries for their ECO4 services. They also wanted to improve their website’s design and functionality, and optimise it for search engines and user experience.

They chose I Need Leads LTD as their digital marketing partner, because of their proven track record and expertise in the ECO4 sector. I Need Leads LTD is a leading digital marketing agency that specialises in lead generation, web design, and online advertising for ECO4 businesses. They have extensive experience and knowledge in the ECO4 market, and they know how to create effective and engaging campaigns that attract and convert potential customers.

The Challenge

Eco Warm Grants wanted to grow their business in a smart and scalable way, without wasting their budget or time. They needed a digital marketing strategy that was customised and flexible, and that could adapt to the changing needs and preferences of their target audience.

They also wanted to track and measure the performance and return on investment of their campaigns, and get regular feedback and support from their partner.

Moreover, they wanted to enhance their customer service and support, and provide a fast and convenient way for their website visitors to get in touch with them and get their questions answered. They wanted to automate their lead qualification and verification process, and reduce their manual workload and errors.

The Solution

I Need Leads LTD proposed a smart and scalable digital marketing strategy for Eco Warm Grants, which included the following elements:

  • Landing pages: I Need Leads LTD created from scratch several landing pages for Eco Warm Grants, each focusing on a specific ECO4 service and targeting a specific keyword. The landing pages were designed to be attractive, informative, and persuasive, and to encourage visitors to fill out a contact form or call the company. The landing pages were also optimised for search engines, using relevant keywords, meta tags, and content. The landing pages were linked to the main website of Eco Warm Grants, which was also redesigned and improved by I Need Leads LTD.

  • Website: I Need Leads LTD created a full website for Eco Warm Grants, which showcased their ECO4 services, their benefits, and their testimonials. The website was designed to be user-friendly, responsive, and fast, and to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for visitors. The website was also optimised for search engines, using relevant keywords, meta tags, and content. The website was integrated with Google Analytics, which allowed Eco Warm Grants to monitor and analyse their website traffic, behaviour, and conversions.

  • Ads creatives: I Need Leads LTD created various ads creatives for Eco Warm Grants, such as banners, images, and videos, which highlighted their ECO4 services, their benefits, and their offers. The ads creatives were designed to be eye-catching, appealing, and relevant, and to capture the attention and interest of potential customers. The ads creatives were also tested and refined, using different formats, sizes, and messages, to find the best performing ones.

  • Keyword research: I Need Leads LTD conducted a thorough keyword research for Eco Warm Grants, using various tools and methods, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and competitor analysis. The keyword research helped identify the most popular and profitable keywords for the ECO4 market, as well as the keywords that had low competition and high conversion potential. The keyword research also helped segment the target audience into different groups, based on their location, demographics, and intent.

  • Online advertising: I Need Leads LTD launched and managed online advertising campaigns for Eco Warm Grants, using Google Ads, the most widely used and effective online advertising platform. The online advertising campaigns used the landing pages, the website, and the ads creatives that were created by I Need Leads LTD, and targeted the keywords that were researched by I Need Leads LTD. The online advertising campaigns were also optimised and adjusted, using various strategies and techniques, such as bidding, budgeting, scheduling, and targeting, to maximise the results and minimise the costs. The online advertising campaigns were integrated with Google Analytics, which allowed Eco Warm Grants to track and measure their online advertising performance, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per lead.

  • AI chat bot: I Need Leads LTD also created an AI chat bot for Eco Warm Grants, using their own platform, AGENT. AGENT is an AI-powered chat bot that specialises in ECO4 businesses, and that can handle all incoming enquiries and criteria check their EPC and matching benefits. AGENT can also book appointments, send reminders, and follow up with leads. AGENT is a must-have for ECO4 businesses, as it can deliver unparalleled customer engagement, streamline sales activation, and provide exceptional support. AGENT was integrated with the website and the landing pages of Eco Warm Grants, and it was available 24/7 to chat with their website visitors and provide them with instant and personalised responses.

The Results

The digital marketing strategy that was implemented by I Need Leads LTD for Eco Warm Grants delivered impressive results in a short period of time. Here are some of the key metrics and outcomes that were achieved:

  • Leads: The digital marketing strategy generated 28 leads for Eco Warm Grants in one month, which was a significant increase from their previous lead generation efforts. The leads were qualified and interested in the ECO4 services that Eco Warm Grants offered, and had a high potential of becoming customers. The AI chat bot also helped in generating and verifying the leads, by asking them relevant questions and checking their eligibility for the ECO4 scheme.

  • Cost per lead: The digital marketing strategy reduced the cost per lead for Eco Warm Grants to £22.46, which was a remarkable improvement from their previous cost per lead. The cost per lead was calculated by dividing the total online advertising spend by the total number of leads generated. The cost per lead was also lower than the industry average, which was around £30-£40 for ECO4 businesses.

  • Cost per click: The digital marketing strategy lowered the cost per click for Eco Warm Grants to £0.25, which was a remarkable improvement from their previous cost per click. The cost per click was calculated by dividing the total online advertising spend by the total number of clicks received. The cost per click was also lower than the industry average, which was around £0.50-£1.00 for ECO4 businesses.

  • Click-through rate: The digital marketing strategy increased the click-through rate for Eco Warm Grants to 3.5%, which was a remarkable improvement from their previous click-through rate. The click-through rate was calculated by dividing the total number of clicks received by the total number of impressions received. The click-through rate was also higher than the industry average, which was around 2-3% for ECO4 businesses.

  • Conversion rate: The digital marketing strategy improved the conversion rate for Eco Warm Grants to 10%, which was a remarkable improvement from their previous conversion rate. The conversion rate was calculated by dividing the total number of leads generated by the total number of clicks received. The conversion rate was also higher than the industry average, which was around 5-7% for ECO4 businesses.

  • Customer satisfaction: The digital marketing strategy also enhanced the customer satisfaction for Eco Warm Grants, as they received positive feedback and reviews from their website visitors and leads. The website visitors and leads appreciated the fast and convenient way of getting in touch with Eco Warm Grants, and getting their questions answered by the AI chat bot. The AI chat bot also provided them with clear, actionable insights on their ECO4 eligibility and benefits, and helped them book appointments and get reminders.

The Conclusion

The digital marketing strategy that was implemented by I Need Leads LTD for Eco Warm Grants was a success, and it helped Eco Warm Grants grow their ECO4 business in a smart and scalable way. The digital marketing strategy was customised and flexible, and it adapted to the changing needs and preferences of their target audience. The digital marketing strategy was also effective and efficient, and it delivered results quickly and affordably.

I Need Leads LTD provided Eco Warm Grants with a comprehensive and integrated digital marketing service, which included landing pages, website, ads creatives, keyword research, online advertising, and AI chat bot. I Need Leads LTD also provided Eco Warm Grants with regular feedback and support, and helped them track and measure their digital marketing performance and return on investment.

Eco Warm Grants was very satisfied and impressed with the digital marketing service that was provided by I Need Leads LTD, and they continued to work with them for their future digital marketing needs.

I Need Leads LTD highly recommends as a client and ECO4 professionals alike. We look forward to the future.

Simon Boniface

+44 20 3740 2530

case studieseco4 schemeeco4 leadseco4 marketingweb designi need leads
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