How Great Creatives and Ads Copy Can Boost Your Lead Generation and Sales

How Great Creatives and Ads Copy Can Boost Your Lead Generation and Sales

December 08, 20236 min read

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” - Albert Einstein

How Great Creatives and Ads Copy Can Boost Your Lead Generation and Sales

How Great Creatives and Ads Copy Can Boost Your Lead Generation and Sales

As a lead generation and digital marketing agency, you know how important it is to create and deliver effective and engaging ads for your clients. However, you may also face some challenges and competition in the crowded and dynamic advertising landscape. How can you stand out from the crowd and attract more leads and sales for your business and your clients? The answer is simple: by having great creatives and ads copy.

What are creatives and ads copy?

Creatives are the visual elements of your ads, such as images, videos, graphics, or animations. Ads copy is the text that accompanies your creatives, such as headlines, slogans, captions, or calls to action. Together, they form the core of your advertising message and strategy.

Why are they important?

Creatives and ads copy are important because they can influence the success of your advertising campaigns in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of having great creatives and ads copy:

  • They can capture the attention and interest of your target audience and make them stop scrolling or clicking away. According to a study by Microsoft, the average human attention span is only 8 seconds, which means you have a very short window of opportunity to grab your audience’s attention and make a good impression. A stunning visual creative and a catchy headline can do the trick and hook your audience in.

  • They can communicate your value proposition and unique selling point clearly and convincingly. You need to tell your audience why they should choose you over your competitors, and what benefits or solutions you can offer them. A clear and concise ads copy and a relevant and appealing creative can convey your message effectively and persuasively.

  • They can evoke emotions and feelings in your audience and make them connect with your brand and your offer. Emotions play a big role in decision making and purchasing behavior, and you need to tap into them to influence your audience. A powerful and emotional creative and a compelling and authentic ads copy can trigger positive emotions and feelings in your audience, such as curiosity, excitement, trust, or happiness.

  • They can inspire action and conversion in your audience and make them take the next step in your sales funnel. You need to guide your audience towards your desired outcome, whether it is to sign up, download, contact, or buy. A strong and clear call to action and a motivating and enticing creative can encourage your audience to act and convert.

How to create great creatives and ads copy?

Creating great creatives and ads copy is not easy, but it is not impossible either. You need to follow some best practices and tips, such as:

  • Know your audience and their needs, wants, pain points, and goals. You need to understand who you are talking to, what they are looking for, and how you can help them. You can use tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or surveys to gather data and insights about your audience.

  • Know your objectives and metrics. You need to define what you want to achieve with your ads, such as generating leads, increasing sales, or building awareness. You also need to measure and track your ads performance and results, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, or ROI. You can use tools such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, or HubSpot to set up and monitor your ads campaigns.

  • Know your competitors and their strategies. You need to analyze what your competitors are doing, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how you can differentiate yourself from them. You can use tools such as SEMrush, SpyFu, or AdEspresso to research and compare your competitors’ ads.

  • Be creative and original. You need to come up with ideas that are unique and memorable, that showcase your personality and style, and that resonate with your audience. You can use tools such as Creatopy, Canva, or Lumen5 to create and optimize your creatives.

  • Be clear and concise. You need to use simple and direct language, avoid jargon and technical terms, and use short and catchy sentences. You also need to use punctuation, capitalization, and formatting correctly and consistently. You can use tools such as Grammarly, Hemingway, or CoSchedule to write and edit your ads copy.

  • Be relevant and consistent. You need to match your creatives and ads copy with your audience’s intent, preferences, and expectations. You also need to align your creatives and ads copy with your brand’s voice and values, and with your landing page’s content and design. You can use tools such as Google Trends, Facebook Audience Network, or Unbounce to test and optimize your creatives and ads copy.

Some examples of great creatives and ads copy

To inspire you, here are some examples of great creatives and ads copy from different industries and platforms:

  • Spotify: Spotify is a music streaming service that uses clever and witty ads copy and colorful and eye-catching creatives to showcase its features and benefits. The ads copy uses humor, puns, and references to popular songs and artists to appeal to the audience’s emotions and interests. The creatives use bright and contrasting colors, bold and simple fonts, and minimal and clean design to attract the audience’s attention and curiosity.

  • Slack: Slack is a collaboration and communication platform that uses clear and concise ads copy and relevant and appealing creatives to showcase its value proposition and unique selling point. The ads copy uses simple and direct language, bullet points, and numbers to communicate the benefits and solutions that Slack can offer to the audience. The creatives use the brand’s colors, logo, and icons, and screenshots and testimonials to convey the message and credibility of Slack.

  • Airbnb: Airbnb is a travel and accommodation platform that uses powerful and emotional ads copy and stunning and enticing creatives to showcase its mission and vision. The ads copy uses storytelling, questions, and calls to action to engage and inspire the audience to explore and discover new places and experiences. The creatives use high-quality and authentic photos and videos, and user-generated content to showcase the diversity and beauty of Airbnb’s destinations and hosts.


Having great creatives and ads copy can make a huge difference in your lead generation and sales performance. By following the best practices and tips, and using the tools and examples mentioned in this blog post, you can create and deliver effective and engaging ads for your business and your clients. If you want to learn more about how to create great creatives and ads copy, or how to improve your lead generation and digital marketing strategy, you can contact us at I Need Leads LTD, a lead generation and digital marketing agency that offers various services such as appointment setting, AI chatbots, VOIP telephony, and website hosting. We can help you create and implement a customized and effective advertising strategy that can boost your leads and sales and grow your business. 😊

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